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How do social media platforms influence the modern diet and what impact does this have?

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat allow users to share and view content of their choice. This has a subtle effect on the users. Scroll down to learn more about some of the Instagram trends that have spilled over into the modern diet. 



Charcoal is activated when high temperatures combine with a gas or activating agent to expand its surface area.

Activated charcoal is commonly used in soaps and face masks, with claims to help detoxify. It is also used medically to help with drug overdoses and poisonings the toxins bind to it.


Many juice bars and beverage companies are adding it to their products to help with cleansing toxins from the body. However, due to its absorbent properties it can actually bind to medications rendering them ineffective, in addition to binding to nutrients from food, expelling them from your body before they can be absorbed properly.

It is recommended by nanturopathic doctor Allana Polo to consume it a few hours before or after a meal  or medication so as to not interfere with absorption. Other doctors have recommended that its administration only take place in a health care facility as other symptoms include It can also cause gastrointestinal blockages, to vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.

Is eating a single item of food for an entire meal or day 

People do it to potentially reduce sugar & salt cravings. People tend to loose weight doing this as well, but not necessarily in the most healthy way. For example, some people call themselves fruitarians and only eat fruit.

A day for them might look like bananas for breakfast, grapes for lunch and apples for dinner. Other people may only eat a singly type of food which can be dangerous because there is no way you to get enough vitamins and nutrients. This usually leads to a decrease in caloric intake which naturally leads to weight loss but is essentially a crash diet. A loss of muscle is inevitable with this diet which will decrease your resting metabolic rate.



What is a detox tea?

A 'teatox' is a certain type of cleanse where the consumer drinks a supposedly detoxifying tea with the intention to lose weight, gain energy, and detoxify their digestive system.  Detox tea companies blew up on Instagram with influencers and celebrities being paid to pose with it. Actors such as Bella Thorne and Ed Westwick have posed with it on social media. Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner have been showing up on Instagram with the brand Fit Tea.  

The truth about detox teas


There are not many scientific studies performed on diet teas to prove that they are safe or cause weight loss. Detox teas are considered supplements, so the companies that make them are not required to prove the results they claim to provide. Additionally, an ingredient in tea detox programs to watch out for is senna leaf. This ingredient is approved by the FDA as a non-prescription laxative.  Senna leaf has also not yet been proven as a weight loss stimulant, however, side effects include cramps, stomach pain and diarrhea.

A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and sea vegetables

The term 'plant-based diet' usually refers only to the diet aspect, while veganism is also plant-based but also refers to a lifestyle that is free from animal products, including clothing, personal care products, furniture, etc.

Registered Holistic Nutritionist Shawna Barker says "the benefits are numerous including more energy, clear skin, easier weight management, less inflammation, and better digestion." Additionally, she said there are no drawbacks if you are eating a balanced plant-based diet with minimal processed foods. However if you have low-energy or feel unwell "there may be issues with absorption, digestion, imbalanced macronutrients or micronutrients, or the wrong type of supplements are being used." In these situations it is important to talk to a health care professional.

Google Trends for "Plant-based diet"

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In this interview, Pandy Duplessis tell us how social media influenced her diet and changed her life for the better.



Dietary Supplements

A dietary supplement is defined by Marriam Websters dictionary as "a product taken orally that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food".


According to Dr. Christopher Miller, who is in the traditional drug development industry says they have a burden of proof that is much higher, more expensive and more regulated than the supplement industry. This means that a lot of the supplements out there may suggest they can do one thing but not actually have the science to back it up. Dr. Miller, says that supplements often have an educational page as a technique to persuade and mislead the consumer.  For example, the supplement company's page will say “vitamin x research has shown to do this or cure that and then on the same page they will say that their product increases vitamin x or contains vitamin x and the consumer draws the conclusion that the product must have that same effect which is completely erroneous.”


He also shared how supplements often have testimonials which can be explained by the placebo effect. "Sugar pills or whatever have a placebo effect and we see this in our drug blinded trials where nobody knows what they’re getting...And we always see the placebo effect”


Shawna Barker also manages a vegan nutrition store in Vancouver and has 10 years of working in vitamin stores and has noticed a supplement trend. She says “in the past few years people have been really into collagen  supplements… collagen is just a protein and when you absorb it you are just absorbing the amino acids that make up the protein so there is nothing special about it”. She said it has been marketed and hyped in such a way that people assume it goes straight to making more collagen in your face for better skin.


Some supplements may provide vitamins which can be good for the body, but many supplements may be totally ineffective which Dr. Miller said will cause no harm except to the consumers wallet. There is always a chance that some supplements could have an adverse effect so it is important to speak to a health care professional before taking anything.

How does social media affect dietary choices?

"Social media is a huge platform influencing people on their dietary choices. It can be a great way to share educational information and at the same time is a platform for businesses to sell products. One needs to be careful on where the information is coming from and the motives behind the information produced. Not all information published on social media is true or fact based."

-Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND


This diet involves avoiding the consumption of a protein called gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. People on a gluten free diet often claim to have better health, weight lost, and more energy. Almost all of the clinical studies regarding gluten-free diets have been tested on people with celiac disease. This means there is little clinical evidence about the health benefits of a gluten-free diet in the general population. The risks involved in a gluten-free diet is this: foods that are excluded in the diet contain many nutrients. Foods such as whole wheat bread have certain elements: Iron, Calcium, Fibre, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Folate. In short, removing gluten from your diet also runs the risk of you removing these nutrients from your diet. Certain gluten free breads or cereals will vary with their nutrients. All the same, some gluten-free products will have high fat or sugar levels.

Not enough clinical evidence exists to support the theory of a gluten free diet causing weight loss, improved energy, and improved athleticism, on the general public.



Intermittent fasting is a diet plan that cycles between a duration of time spent eating and period of time spent fasting. The few studies on this diet have proven that it can be beneficial for metabolism and weight loss. With every new diet, however, risks are involved. Those with eating disorders may start to binge eat after fasting. If you fast and excercise at the same time, this may lead to low blood sugar and dizziness/lightheadedness/confusion. People who are on diabetes medication should talk to their doctor before trying intermittent fasting. Skipping breakfast has also been linked to obesity. Lastly, 20% of our water intake comes from food. Anyone trying the intermittent fasting trend should also be drinking lots of water in order to stay hydrated.  



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